Women's Retreat

Many of us find ourselves swept away in the whirlwind of life, of showing up for our responsibilities. Being an adult can be a very demanding job, needing to meet one deadline after the other. We have lost the connection with our inner child, the part of us that needs to play, pause, and breath. Space to touch upon grief, grief of what our inner children didn’t receive. It can be difficult to find time to take for ourselves, to pause, to allow ourselves this luxury of getting in touch with that true part of ourselves. The part that contains our freedom and our deepest dreams and desires. The busier we get the more scary it can get to tread these waters. Join this retreat where a space will be held, to embrace, to hold, and love our inner child.


11:00 Meet and Greet - Get to meet the other people that have taken the time to give themselves the gift of play.

11:20 - 12:20 Gentle Flow Yoga - Calm your nervous system with some mindful movement and restorative poses. A slow flow practice is beneficial to balance a more active practice or decompress in stressful periods.

12:20 - 12:40 Inner Child Meditation - Inner child meditation is a process that allows you to accept, connect, love, and revive that part of your personality that you have lost touch with.

12:45 - 3:30 Lunch and Swimming - Spend this time to nourish your body and soul. This time will be for you to relax, swim, eat, and connect with others over a warm fire pit.

3:30 - 4:30 JourneyDance - Embracing your Inner Child - Take a healing journey through dance as a way to play, embrace, and love our inner child.

4:30 - 4:50 Writing - Being in communication with your Inner Child - Converse with your inner child through free writing as well as prompts. Discover a way to have meaningful conversations with your inner child.

4:50 - 5:15 Closing around the fire pit.

5:15 - 6:00 Chill and connect with others. of course you can also use the pool at this time.

6:00 - 6:15 Pack and Farewell